The physical exertion of having a good belly laugh in the company of friends as opposed to a polite titter, exhausts us so much we produce protective endorphins that raise our pain threshold and make us feel good, according to a new international study led by Oxford University in the UK that was published online in Proceedings of the Royal Society B on Wednesday.
BOSTON—Harvard researchers found increased fish intake in a large cohort of women who were free of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) significantly reduced risk of AMD over a 10-year period of intake. They published their findings in the July issue of Archives of Ophthalmalogy (2011;129(7):921-929).
A new study found 150 mg per day of coenzyme Q10 lowered LDL cholesterol levels, begging the question: Are statin drugs really necessary? And what does the Canadian health care system know about the nexus of statin drugs and coQ10 that the American system refuses to acknowledge?
Fish oil supplements may reduce symptoms of depression and a subsequent risk of dementia, suggests new data from Australia.