ScienceDaily (Aug. 6, 2012) — University of Kentucky researchers, led by Dr. Jayakrishna Ambati, have made an exciting finding in the “dry” form of age-related macular degeneration known as geographic atrophy (GA). GA is an untreatable condition that causes blindness in millions of individuals due to death of retinal pigmented epithelial cells.
Diet foods and drinks are promoted to help you lose weight but compelling evidence shows that artificial sweeteners like aspartame cause weight gain rater than weight loss. That’s right, aspartame―which was once hailed as a wonder chemical because it tastes like sugar without the calories―actually makes you fatter, and adversely affects your blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.
(NaturalNews) Although many medications and strategies are touted for their ability to relieve migraines, few scientifically validated solutions are widely known for naturally preventing their occurrence. Research in a group of Nebraska employees suggests a multicomponent intervention based on trigger avoidance and lifestyle changes may help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines considerably. Participants completed the Migraine Disability Assessment questionnaire and received personalized coaching, with follow-up questionnaires over a 12-month period. By the end of the study, participants reported a 76 percent reduction in migraine frequency, a 31 percent reduction in severity, and a 66 percent reduction in perceived disability.
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A paper published August 15 in Biology of Reproduction’s Papers-in-Press reveals that eating 75 grams of walnuts a day improves the vitality, motility and morphology of sperm in healthy men aged 21-35.