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Meditation technique repairs the brain processes that aspartame destroys

(NaturalNews) Research has shown that with as few as 11 hours of mindful meditation, the white matter of the brain that aspartame destroys, can begin to grow back. Research into the brain damage that aspartame causes, has revealed lesions to the nerve fibers known as white matter. This is due to the by-products created when aspartame is ingested, namely methanol and formaldehyde. The effects of ingesting these chemicals are so serious that they cause symptoms often mistaken for multiple sclerosis. Other artificial sweeteners such as neotame, which have the same by-products, have the same effects.

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Technology Eases Migraine Pain in the Deep Brain

ScienceDaily (Apr. 30, 2012) — Migraine pain sits at the upper end of the typical pain scale — an angry-red section often labeled “severe.” At this intensity, pain is debilitating. Yet many sufferers do not get relief from — or cannot tolerate — over-the-counter and commonly prescribed pain medications. Source:

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5 huge health benefits of sweet potatoes

(NaturalNews) Sweet potatoes, also commonly labeled as yams, are an excellent and inexpensive staple to have on hand. These deep orange-fleshed nutritional powerhouses add several important components to the diet. Their health and weight management benefits far exceed the nutritional value found in ordinary white and yellow fleshed potatoes.

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Four great reasons to eat organic, grass-fed beef

(NaturalNews) Vegetarians and vegans can put up quite the convincing argument when it comes to what they are passionate about – not eating meat. Several have even appeared on this site. With all due respect to them, in the interest of fairness there is another side to the story. Humans are omnivores designed to use both animals and plants as food. Entirely removing one or the other can not only be detrimental to human health, but, if done on a mass scale, could even have environmental consequences. Click on the link below for the four great reasons to eat organic, grass-fed beef.

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